请根据人民教育出版社义务教育教科书《英语(三年级起点)》Unit 4 What can you do Part A Let’s Spell部分内容,按要求完成下列教学设计任务。
1. Teaching Aims
Students can master the pronunciation of “oo”, and recognize the pronunciations in different words: book,balloon,food and so on. .
Through practice and cooperation, students can correctly read some words within “oo”.
Students will be eager to speak English in class.
(1) The teacher will show a video of an experience of going to the zoo. And lead students to review some key words we have learnt before like zoo, look, balloon and so on. The teacher will write these key words on the blackboard.
(2) Let students look at the blackboard to find out the pronunciation of these words. Then invite some students to share their ideas.
(3) After that, the teacher will summarize the pronunciation rules and let them know that in these words “ee” or “ea” are pronounced as vowel [u?]. After that the teacher will let students read these words one by one loudly.
(1) Students should listen to the tape and look at the picture . Then write down the words to complete the sentences. Then they will listen again, and read following the tape to check they answers.
(2) The teacher will Show some pictures on the screen and give students 5mins to work in groups to talk about their special experiences in the zoo by using the words we have learnt today. They should 5mins later, the teacher will invite some groups to share their stories. And the teacher will correct their pronunciation if necessary.
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